Broken to Blossom

It is a new week and the Lord spoke to me through scripture today and confirmed the wonderful retreat weekend I spent with 127 beautiful women! đź’ž

“The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone” Psalm 118:22

Psalm 118:22 was quoted by Jesus in Luke 20, He asked the crowds he was teaching what this scripture meant?

Then Jesus answers them with this “Everyone who stumbles over that stone will be broken to pieces, and it will crush anyone it falls on.” Luke 20:18

This past weekend at our churches Women’s retreat that Heather and I attended – we learned what it means to be broken and then set free! Many women shared their testimonies and God started changing lives on that mountain for so many!

We really don’t like broken things, if we value something we don’t want it broke – so we try to fix it or throw it away.

But in contrast, with God, brokenness is not only GOOD it is ESSENTIAL!

When we seek and throw ourselves on Jesus, at His feet, submit our wills and all we are to Him – we will be broken before Him! This is good! This has to happen! This is a choice God offers and we must choose brokenness to be set free.

When we open up and get real with Jesus the following will happen. We will be broken of arrogance, self-centeredness and hard heartedness. If you are stiff necked and full of pride and miserable – you will need to be broken by Jesus. It is not always pleasant but absolutely necessary!

Ladies listen to this!!! Brokenness will set you free to blossom at work and at home!  Your work relationships and your personal relationships will become real and joy will flow into your lives. ❤️

My teaching Bible describes the crushing as …. those who DO NOT submit their will to Jesus, He will ultimately “fall on them” and the experience is described as being crushed.

The choice is yours – broken before Him or crushed by Him?

WE Love you all so much and are here for you if you need to talk or have us pray with you.