Boast for the Lord – ONLY!!

A relationship with Jesus will change your life. It is how we get directly to God. It’s how we learn to love and live in this worldly world. I’m gonna boast about Jesus today in this blog!!

I (Lisa) committed my life to Christ back in July of 2016. Walking the path of living for Jesus can be difficult at times as sin from your past arises and you must confess it and ask for forgiveness. But it is a path worth walking daily and the fact we are able to go directly to God and repent, thank you Jesus!  Freedom is found in Jesus. My life has transformed because of Jesus!!

Church is a big part of my life now. People coming together to praise and worship our God is an amazing unity that everyone should live!

Unfortunately, we as humans allow pride and a know it all attitude get in the way for the real reason we should be going to a church. We tend to think that going to the building and listening to the preacher is what makes us holy. We are so wrong! Jesus is who makes us pure and holy.  Jesus is who makes us right with God! Jesus is who saves us!

It is all about Jesus not the church you attend.  This is something both Heather and I are walking through right now and it is real! Is it easy to leave a church – NO – but Jesus is teaching us it is about Him and nothing else. 🙌🏻

We are to have the mindset of Jesus Christ and live for Him and Him alone. So no matter what church you go to, who your preacher is, what songs you sing – let’s not forget we are there because of Jesus and to praise Him alone.

“I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other.  Let there be no division in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.” 1Corinthians 1:10

Rooted’s hope and prayer is that we can all be considerate of one another’s choices of where we decide to attend church because of what Christ has done for us!

We as BELIEVERS are called to love one another, not hate and be divided.  Christian’s are to be of one mind united by Christ. We are not united in Christ because of the building or the preacher – it is only because of Jesus!! We are to live for Christ and boast of Him only!

“God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the scripture say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.”  1Corinthians 1:30-31

We love you ❤️

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather

#OnlyaboutJesus #LOVE