Blindfolded for God

“Trust God as if you were blindfolded.

Trust Him without questioning or reasoning. God is! This is enough!

Do not doubt that when all of self is taken away, there remains only God.”

Jeanne Guyon

Are you having a problem completely trusting God?  In this book by Jeanne Guyon called “Intimacy With Christ” she dives deep into becoming selfless in your faith and becoming completely intimate with Christ. We have to give up self and trust and follow His ways. God is God!  He is enough. He should be our first priority. We are to become selfless.

Some days we don’t understand what is going on or why God wants all this change in our lives. We make it all about us. We refuse to wear a blindfold for God. We refuse to trust. We become a refuser. We want control and want to figure out everything that comes our way, we think we know better than God. (Can I get a witness?! 🙋‍♀️)

But… this is the worldly world’s way of thinking. We have to lay down self for Him. Think like Jesus. When we truly give up self and live for God, control will start to leave our lives. You will live for Him and His will.

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.”

Matthew 16:24

Seams impossible for some of us strong stubborn women, but God has got a plan, we need to let Him lead!! We need to…let whatever is bothering us go, give up our own way, follow Jesus,  & TRUST our GOD!!

It is hard ladies but a must for intimacy with our precious Lord. Stay strong for the Lord not for yourself.

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather

#blindfoldedforGod #trust #becomeselfless #reallybeHumble #stayrooted