Biggest Mission Field

Each and every Working Woman Rooted in Faith is serving in the biggest mission field each and every day. You may not think of yourself as a missionary but that’s exactly what you are! Welcome to the team! ❤️

All companies, departments, teams and individuals are measured on their performance. For some it’s revenue, production units, satisfied customers, student grades, hours, miles….the list goes on. I work in a manufacturing environment so each hour we are reviewing key metrics that tell us how we are performing. Visual results drive performance. We want to win!

But working in the mission field doesn’t equate to results that we can easily see on charts and reports. And because we often are not seeing “results” – when hardships and conflicts come our way on our mission it can lead to discouragement. You may even want to walk away. Don’t stop! Don’t quit! 🙏🏼

There is good news I want to share with you. When you are working to serve Christ you don’t need to chase or see the spiritual results! You just need to be obedient. As Paul was addressing the Corinthians, he was urging them to look to God for strength and not to give up. He is urging them to commit to serving the Lord and to rely on strength from the Holy Spirit. He wants them to stay true to their mission.

You see, we don’t NEED to see results. That’s our human nature. Everything we do at work is measured but the progress and success God is looking for (as His ministers) isn’t always going to be visible to us. We just need to be faithful. God will take care of the results. We just need to keep our focus on the invisible!

“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 4:18.

You may never know how kind words changed the course of someone’s life. You may never know that by investing in someone that their home life improved. You may never know that recognizing someone for their contribution gave them a sense of belonging. You may never know that by showing love a tiny seed started to grow. And that’s ok! These are the things that you cannot see but they will last forever.

So when you are discouraged, focus on things that cannot be seen. Focus on the mission and not the results. Focus on God and say “thank you Lord, thank you for giving me this mission and the strength to endure it.”

We love you! It’s amazing to be on this mission together!

Love Heather & Lisa

#stayrooted #yourmission #ministersofGod