Be the Voice for the Voiceless

Rooted would like to share this sweet and powerful post from Christina Williams.

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“Be the voice for the voiceless!”

Proverbs 31:8

From Christina Williams –

“Since August 2018, I have traveled to Haiti seven times. During one of these trips, I learned about an orphanage for local children with severe disabilities. If you know me, then you know, I immediately wanted to learn more. Long story short, I tried to visit on these first trips but was unsuccessful. Not a day went by that I had not thought about them; not one day.

On my most recent trip in March, God opened the door for me to visit the orphanage.  I was able to see firsthand these precious children. I immediately began assessing their situation so that I could help with gathering and providing the resources these children so desperately needed. Within a few days of returning back to the US, God connected me with two men who are wheelchair technicians.  And they want to help!!! I believe with all my heart His hand is in every detail!

We are currently in the process of scheduling a trip so these men can help provide appropriate repairs and adjustments to wheelchairs while I continue to work on their care plans.  God is calling me to share this testimony of circumstances leading me down this path. It is an amazing journey of love, and Faith over fear.

Please pray as we work towards making a lasting impact in the lives of these children.  If you would like to help us on this journey please pray about giving. Every donation, small or large, will help us provide for and minister to these children. If you would like to help support this cause, you can donate by clicking the following link.

The way God moves in your life will always come to a pinnacle moment where his desires for your life will come into direct opposition to human wisdom. In those seasons, we must learn to cut the rope of human understanding and choose to trust God fully as we walk into His promises – Jordan Green – Pursuit Church

“Be the Voice for the Voiceless” – Proverbs 31:8”