Be Still

Being still means being willing to wait. Waiting is not my motto, but I am learning patience from the Lord!! #waitonGod

When things change instantly in your life and cause disruption, follow scripture and be still.  Continue to wait patiently on God for guidance and be willing to give yourselves over to God for Him to work on His perfect plan. Will it be easy? Does it all make sense? No and No.

But while you are waiting you can spend time in His presence learning more about Him.  Thank you Jesus! ❤️ What an honor and privilege to be immersed in the Word day after day and truly learning His ways. #itsallintheBible

Be still and stay connected to the power of the Holy Spirit and know He will guide you.  But remain still until He does. #patience

Phew…waiting can be hard for us Type A’s, we like to get things done and fix everything…but scripture tells us we must wait and be still. 🙌🏻 #trust #Godsplan

Be still and know He is our God! ❤️

HE will be honored. #itiswritten #Psalm

Stay Rooted – WE love you,

Lisa & Heather