Be Less to Be More

When we over value ourselves above others…this is a disguise of pride. Pride has many stages and many disguises. Pride will make us restless and dissatisfied with what we have and concerned about what everyone else is doing.  Prideful people are always hungering for more attention and adoration. Pride tells us…I deserve this now or this “thing”appeals to me right now for fulfillment but will still leave me empty.

Pride my friends is a sin. It will lead to death and destruction of yourself and relationships. It is so easy to be prideful, even as a Christian, so start to be aware of how you are acting to others and even yourself.

The opposite of pride is humility. Don’t be fooled by the world to choose pride, but rather choose humility. Humility is gained by turning to our God, trusting Him, and asking for help.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6

James reminds us that “God opposes the proud but favors the humble.” (4:6) You all…this is our wake up call – we know what God opposes and also what He favors, we need to let the pride go!!

If you recognize the disguise of pride in your life, please turn to God humbly and ask for help…ask for wisdom (James 1:5) and know that He loves you and will provide it!  This will lead you on a road to humility and wash the sin of pride off your hard heart. #softheart

Acting with humility is not as popular as acting proud in our world, but please know this, being unpopular is okay with God…especially when you are humbly rooted and nestled into Him.  🤍 Be less to be more. 🤍 Be popular with our God versus the world. What a beautiful “life legacy” you will be creating and inspiring outwardly to others – we can be humble!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻#praiseGod

The Word of God is our guide to knowledge which leads to wisdom.

Almost every blog Rooted will post turns to reading the Bible.  Heather and I believe 100% in the Word of God and that it will renew our minds – it will actually change the way we think. (Romans 12:2) #readyourBible

As we lead up to the Thanksgiving table tomorrow with our family and friends, leave pride in the driveway with all the dead leaves.

Humbly sit at the table, smile, pray thankfully, eat, and love as God loves us. 🤍

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Always Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather

#stayhumble #love #family #friends #dietopride