Be A Peacemaker!

Ok spoiler alert. Lisa and I very rarely sit down and develop our weekly posts together. For the most part, we write our blogs individually based on our daily readings in the Bible and where God leads us.

So when moments like this week occur we hit pause, slow down and say, “thank you Lord for putting this on both of our hearts to write about – we need to really ponder and reflect on You!”

On July 27, 2020 I posted on peacemaking.

On the night of July 27, 2021 when scrolling Facebook I saw the memory from a year earlier. Peacemaking!

Earlier that same morning I had read 1 Peter 3 and had written about peacemaking in my journal preparing for my weekly blog. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 What?!

“Turn away from evil and do good. Search for PEACE and work to maintain it.” 1 Peter 3:11

Then on July 28, 2021 Lisa posted a powerful blog from James on………..peacemaking!! Seriously!

Thursday July 29th I start my morning reading in Psalm 34. These scriptures have been on my heart for weeks and I periodically read them out loud. And there it was again. Peacemaking!

“Turn away from evil and do good. Search for PEACE, and work to maintain it.” Psalm 34:14

For years I looked at peacemaking as a chore. It left me with a bad attitude. I was constantly trying to keep everyone from being upset; defusing arguments in my home and at work. It was exhausting! I was trying to solve problems in my own power. I had none! I was simply acting as a peacekeeper.

And what I’ve learned (and I think my entire family would agree) – Jesus Christ is the true peacemaker. To actively seek peace equates to actively seeking Christ every day. Peacemaking requires action!

As humans we face conflict of some sort every day. But we can actively pursue peace by staying connected to God and maintaining a true relationship with Him. Religion, legalism, rituals….they won’t bring peace to your home or business. Building a relationship with God and living in the power of the Holy Spirit creates peacemakers.

Be a peacemaker!

