Last year on April 8, 2022 I published a blog titled ‘Leaving the Crowd.’ At the time I wrote this blog I had just navigated three months of consistent heartache; from the near loss of my Mother, my sister’s cancer diagnosis, to the sudden death of my very loved step father. My heart was mourning and I was clinging to my faith. And in that moment as God gave me that blog, I had realized that just like Jesus, I too needed my quiet mountain time. I needed that time of grief in the garden.

So now we are a year later and I’ve had so very many days to reflect on this. The reason why tapping out and finding that quiet space was so critical to me in April 2022 was that I had realized I was trying to white knuckle my way through it. Especially at work. After all, my motto has always been “check your feelings at the gate.” I was still trying to be the Heather everyone knew and relied on each day. But I wasn’t bringing my best self to work. My mind was far from the daily tasks and my heart was wounded. Yet very few knew.

So when I seemed distant I can only imagine what was going through the minds of my colleagues. What a lesson to be learned on the importance of being authentic and sharing our personal struggles …..even at work. Yes I needed the garden moment but I also needed to trust my colleagues with more details of my personal struggles.

But yet the biggest thing I’ve learned is that God will walk us through a battle so that we can help others during their own battle.

Since April 2022 I’ve spoken very openly in mentoring sessions about speaking up when personal hardships come our way. We need each other! My mission is to share my story so that others won’t feel like they too have to white knuckle through life’s ‘knock you down moments’ while at work by themselves. And it’s no surprise that several people have crossed my path at work since then that are going through personal loss, hardships, and tragedy. #supportatwork

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28.

I have seen this promise play out over the last year as these individuals have crossed my path. It renews my faith to see the truth behind these words. I’m forever convinced that every trial, every heartache, every disappointment is part of our purpose AND that these moments will “work together for the good” – not only for us – but also for others that we encounter and get to support that face similar battles that we’ve already walked through. We definitely cross paths with each other for a reason in this life. ❤️❤️

Happy Friday from Rooted!

Heather & Lisa
