Arise & Shine

This morning my reading was Judges 19. It’s the story of a horrible crime committed against a woman because her husband lived in fear. The moral decay of Israel was rampant. Their country was far from God and the people were quiet until this tragedy occurred.

And this stirred my heart. There is a parallel story here and we are living in it. I started thinking about revival and the need for eyes to be opened; a spiritual awakening. And the only way for a spiritual awakening is through a resurrection from spiritual death. In John 3 Jesus explains to Nicodemus that people can only enter God’s kingdom if they’ve been born of water and the Spirit.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are made new; we are recreated. Our old life is dead. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) We need new creations!

Wherever you are today, stop and pray for the Holy Spirit to bring revival, an awakening. The only way to fight the enemy is to pray for new lives to be made. We are called to arise, to be ambassadors for Christ. We aren’t called to sit back and watch the moral decay and do nothing. Pray! Isaiah 69:1 “arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”

Love y’all!
