When Israel was scattered to foreign lands there was a wide belief that people could only be close to God if they were in the temple. But God promised those in exile that He was with them despite where they were physically located. Did being in the Temple automatically make anyone closer to God? Appearances can be deceiving.
You know there’s an old saying that goes “don’t judge a book by the cover.” And it goes both ways. Those that appear like they may have it all together may actually be living distant from God. While those walking through some of life’s most difficult seasons may be resting in the shadow of the Almighty. Appearances can be deceiving.
Throughout the Old Testament we know that God’s favor was on the remnant of true believers. And it didn’t matter that some of those true believers were scattered across foreign lands. They didn’t have to be in the Temple worshipping. With a “singleness of heart” God’s people knew they had a purpose and were content right where they are.
“And I will give them singleness of heart and give them a new spirit within them.” Ezekiel 11:19 NLT
God will evaluate our lives by our faith and obedience, not by where we live, where we worship, or where we work. Our hearts will be examined though. Did we have a singleness of heart? Did we live with the right purpose in front of us? Appearances can be deceiving.
Outward appearances very rarely show us what’s on the inside. Another reason on the list of why we shouldn’t judge others or make assumptions. Instead we should ask ourselves “me” questions.
How does my heart measure up? Do I have a relationship with Jesus Christ? Are my motives pure? Do I lead people, my family, my friends with Biblical values? Do I have a servant’s heart? Am I compassionate? How does my life compare to the life that Jesus lived? That’s the only measure you need.
Happy Friday! Make it great!
Heather & Lisa