And God Saw That it Was Good

In the first 31 verses of Genesis we learn seven times that God saw good in His creation. And on the 6th day, “God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

Everything that God created from the waters, to the sky, to the stars, to man and woman, God called them good. They were excellent to Him in every way. God created all of life with the deepest love ever imagined. And this includes YOU!!

But even among the beauty of God’s creation; temptation was allowed to enter the world. If you spend 8 seconds scrolling news or social media you quickly see that evil exists. We are bombarded with news alerts, political arguments, death, arguing, division and all sorts of evil happenings.  It’s heavy, it’s daunting, and it feels like at times that it’s everywhere. I recently read that depression and anxiety are directly equated to the amount of time people spend on social media and the news. I believe it!

I’m writing to you today to proclaim these words from the Bible. God saw good in His creation. And there is still good in this world. But the enemy is determined to try and divide our focus and our minds with the constant reminder of his presence. I’ve experienced this first hand in my own faith journey. When we let the evils of the world consume our minds; our minds become divided. We are essentially decreasing the space that God wants to fill up when we get consumed with the world.

Pauls writes in Colossians that we must “set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.” This doesn’t mean that we turn a blind eye to atrocities or that we ignore the poor. No, not at all!  The Bible constantly calls the church to action to help the oppressed and those in need. But please be mindful if the results of evil in the world begin to consume your mind. Don’t let the enemy win by creating hostility and fear in you to a point that it starts to control your thoughts and emotions.

Remember that Christ is King. God promised defeat directly on the head of the enemy when Christ rose from the dead. “And God saw that it was good.”  As we give ourselves over to Christ we start to see that same “good” even among the evil.

What of “this world” is consuming your thoughts? Lay it down and give it to God. Let God fill your hearts and minds and fight in the spiritual realm.


Heather & Lisa