I’ve never been one to agonize over decisions. In my career issues and questions come at me ALL day long. Years and years of this has conditioned my brain to make decisions quickly.

But about 1 ½ months ago I made a pretty quick decision on something regarding our son. I was rushed and I didn’t pray about it. And my husband and I only discussed it in passing. Three strikes! 😔

Without going into a lot of details the outcome of this decision turned out to be a little messy. My heart has been heavily convicted as soon as I signed the paper. Why didn’t I pray first? Why did I lean on my own understanding? Why did I let myself get so busy and rushed? Why didn’t I spend more time speaking to my husband about this?

Through this storm I learned a big lesson. And with this convicted heart I ran to God. I gave it to Him. I was ready to face all the consequences. Whatever happened; I was ready to carry it.

And then in my quiet time over the last two weeks I began to read about David. David, although not a perfect man, he was a man in God’s favor. Over and over again it is written that David “asked the Lord.”

God’s word is a living word! The Bible connects me to the Holy Spirit! I needed to read this! “Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” (Psalm 139:24) God used 1 and 2 Samuel to confirm what I had missed all along. And a sense of peace filled my heart and a weight was lifted. Thank you Lord! 🙏🏼

Pray first! Take your decisions to Him. Talk to him, ask for guidance in ALL things big and small. Ask the Lord! God loves us and only wants what is good for us. But we have to ask Him first. Just like a child asking a parent for permission; God is our Heavenly Father.

Yesterday this situation was finally resolved. Signed and sealed. It’s been agonizing for sure, but oh what a journey. What a big lesson I learned! I hope that you too can learn from my mistake. Thank you to my Heavenly Father! All praise and glory to Him.
