
For so many, life is about making plans, executing the plans, and achieving success! Ambition is something man has and we get excited to do good and achieve our plans!

King David was so excited to build a Temple for the Lord and get the Ark of God out from under the tent.  He had great ambition and had a plan to honor God.

Oh but our God… He had other plans on who would build His Temple, it would be David’s son Solomon not David.

Have you ever made that plan to do something good for God for it to not happen?  Sometimes God says no to our plans even if we are rooted in Him and love Him.

David was God’s King on earth, he was chosen, anointed, his heart was for God, and his plan for the Temple was really really good but…God still said no.  David even gathered all the supplies but did not end up building the Temple.

Was God planning to do something even greater in David’s life than allowing him the prestige of building the Temple?  Yes He was and David had to accept God’s no and did not try to go beyond it! #lineageofJesusChrist

When a plan changes this could be God’s way of directing you to a greater purpose in your life. We must accept it.

Thank goodness for these stories in the Bible to give us hope when we think we are executing the right plan for God but it does not happen. (2Samuel7)

Our prayer from Rooted is we all keep our eye on God and stand firm in His love even when our ambitious plans are changed.  Keep the faith and let’s not give up on hope. God does have the best plan for each of us even if it is different from what we planned. ❤️

To accept God’s NO requires as great a faith as carrying out His YES. 🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather