“What do you want me to do for you?” Even as Jesus traveled; surrounded by crowds and opposition, He cared for people . He was never too busy to stop and serve those around Him.

He fed the hungry.

He held the children.

He sheltered the homeless.

He healed the sick.

He washed feet.

He died for our sins.

Jesus came to serve others. And we can learn from His life on earth. Jesus had all the power in the world yet He chose to put others first. He chose not to be too busy or too in a hurry. As John Maxwell would say, “He was walking slowly through the halls.”

When we love others and we serve them, this love glorifies our Father. It reflects our love for God. Instead of thinking how others need to serve you today, ask them “what can I do for you?” It’s a simple question but one that will have a big impact in someone’s life.

Happy Friday! Make it a good one for someone else.

Love Rooted 🤍

Heather & Lisa