A life for God…

This past week my son in law or how I like to say…”the son I love”… lost one of his best friends that he has known since he was very young.  To watch Jake and his family go through the pain of losing someone so close to them has been heartbreaking and sad.

Heather and I send our deepest sympathy to you for your loss Jake. Our heart aches for the void that you are feeling with Dalton gone.  We are praying for you Jake and may his memories stay in your mind forever.

Reflecting on his sudden death, it reminded me that life is short on earth.  I’m reading and studying in Psalms right now and David reminds us that “life is like a breath”  and our days “are like a passing shadow.” (Psalm 144:4)

We are called by God to live for Him now so we can live with Him forever in Heaven, if you don’t believe this…maybe He is trying to reach you through this blog!  Be open to Him, know that God wants a relationship with you and that He loves you dearly. 🤍

Really reflect on your life and don’t waste another minute. Let go of the people who have rejected you, learn to forgive, become love, and embrace God’s Spirit that He gives us when we believe in Jesus!  In this short life we have on earth desire to be what Jesus asks us to be…LOVE and His!! #privilegetobeHis

God please cover Dalton’s friends and family today with comfort and peace as they celebrate his life.  May you rest in peace Dalton.  You will be missed by many.  😢

Always stay Rooted with love,

Lisa & Heather