Heart, Soul & Strength

As you read the Bible it is amazing to learn how the New Testament is connected to the Old Testament. This is a great example!

As Moses addressed the second generation he was very clear in his teaching to listen and obey the commands had given them.

“Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Over and over again this message is repeated. And then we have the first & greatest commandment of all written in Matthew 22:37-39; which is to also love God with ALL of ourselves.

As you lead people in the workplace remember this commandment; the greatest one given to us by the Father. Concentrate on everything that you can do to show your love for God and for others. When you lead from this perspective your attitude transforms. Every single person surrounding you was created by God.

We have this amazing book full of truths. We can learn every single day! So good! ❤️❤️

Love, Heather & Lisa
