Our Struggles…

I hoped you joined us in prayer yesterday!! ❤️🙏🏼 Thank you Lisa for calling us to pray together!!

Last Saturday I posted on praying scripture and I shared that I felt God had recently led me to go through my Bible to read all the scriptures that I had flagged with sticky notes. I have been reading them outloud in the mornings. One of these scriptures is Ephesians 6; The Armor of God.

Our pastor, Jordan Green at Pursuit Church is doing a podcast series on Faith & Spiritual Warfare which is based on Ephesians 6. On Wednesday I received an email from “Marriage After God” and it is titled: “Prayer: The Armor of God.” Maybe I need to pause and really listen and learn right now!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Christians face an unseen, dark force that is set to destroy us and the Church. We must depend on God’s strength and power and use every single piece of armor we’ve been given. Read Ephesians 6 today and let’s continue to focus on prayer and praying scripture these next few days together. Will you join us?


#prayatalltimes #thewholearmor #armorup #stayrooted