The Lord Will Provide

Back in October, my good friend organized a small group of close women to gather up in the mountains to pray. No agenda, just pray.

As the weekend progressed, my friend asked us to write down on paper what we were willing to give up for God? We were asked could we put God first above everything and everyone in our life – could He be enough?

Immediately my thoughts went to material things. For most of my life I have strived for more stuff, these are the things that make my life easy and I enjoy. So…I wrote down all the material things I was willing to give up to put God first, He would be enough.

Then…my career came to mind. Whoa, I have worked my whole life to get where I am in my career, I have security and success. To give up my career would mean to give up the lifestyle I am used to, am I willing to do this for God? Yes…I wrote my job on the paper, I would give up my career to put God first, He would be enough.

We were reminded of the story of Abraham and Isaac. We read it that day and this blog came to mind today because my morning reading was Genesis 22.

A few chapters before, God promised Abraham would conceive his long awaited son with Sarah at age 100. They did (can you imagine their excitement!) but then Abraham was tested by God in Chapter 22. God asked Him to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering to Him – his son that he loves so very very much.

Abraham obeyed, took his long awaited only son by Sarah to the mountain top, tied him up and laid him on the wood to sacrifice him. But…the angel of the Lord called out from heaven and said, “Do not lay a hand on the boy.”

Okay… take a minute and think about this…Abraham trusted God so much that he was willing to sacrifice his son for Him? We can’t even imagine this as modern day Christian Americans. We are to put God before our children, before our family? Our family we love so much, our family that completes us – are you sure God?

The angel of the Lord said this to Abraham, “…Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” Genesis 22:12

I am married with two children. Both of my children are married and have baby girls. Truly I adore and love my husband, children and grand babies more than I can describe. I would do anything for them – I mean anything. If something happened to them, would God be enough?

So my family came to mind as I stared at my paper, was I to write these names down? Am I willing to put God above everything and everyone – even my family or would I withhold them from God?

That day on the mountain, Abraham was provided a ram to sacrifice by God and his son was spared. He did “fear God so deeply” that he would give up someone to God that he had waited for basically his whole life.

God loves us ALL and He wants to provide for us but we must understand what to “fear God deeply” means. Through reading scripture here is my definition – “Fear God deeply” is putting Him above all else, trusting His Word, obeying even when it does not make sense, and trusting He will provide.

In Genesis 22 Abraham called that place on the mountain “The Lord Will Provide.” And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” Genesis 22:14

My paper was filled up and I cried like I have never cried before. It was the most emotional day I have ever had with God. We burned the papers up in the fire and we released to God the things and people we so strongly hold tight to – the things we put before Him.

That cool fall day on the mountain my heart truly surrendered to God. God is what matters MOST above everything and everybody. He is enough and He will provide.

What are you willing to give up for God?

Love you all and stay rooted,

Lisa ❤️