Character Development

When we hear someone has great character, what does this mean? In the Bible there are many examples of leaders with great character…Joseph and Daniel to name just two! Go read about these two leaders in Genesis and the Book of Daniel and see what true godly character represents.

Let’s break down character. -Character is more than talk, actions will indicate your integrity.

-We don’t always get to choose our circumstances in life BUT we do get to choose our character.

-People will not follow you and your success will be short lived if you have flawed character.

-People will follow who they like and trust – period!

Character is the foundation on which a leader builds his or her life. As Christians, we spend years in God’s character building course of life. He teaches us His ways, we choose to follow it not. The deeper our relationship is with God and his Word through Jesus, the better choices we will make with our character.

Character communicates credibility, harnesses respect, creates consistency, and earns trust!

Are you in control of your character?

Circumstance of life will tell you many things about a person’s character.

“Crisis does not necessarily make character, but it certainly does REVEAL it.” John Maxwell

Adversity makes a person choose a path of character or compromise. When we choose character we will grow and become stronger – even if it brings a negative circumstance into our life. We can learn to maintain godly character in tough circumstances even when we may want revenge for being done wrong, we must trust God and know He is in control.

Joseph said to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20

Godly character can be developed and must be at the heart of development for a leader.

It is a choice and we must TRUST God!
Stay Rooted,

Lisa ❤️
