Choosing how we handle the day to day “craziness” as I call it builds resilience. Every day we are faced with challenges and decisions. I have learned through my career, in being a wife, and a mother of three that things don’t always go as planned. Honestly! Learn that now! 😉This was a big struggle in my life because I’m a planner and I spent most of my life being completely inflexible. My response to situations was often out of frustration and anger.

“God chooses what we go through; we choose how we go through it.” As I thought about these words from John C. Maxwell, James 1:22 came to me. “Be ye doers of the word.” Doing is an action and comes with a choice! Responding to situations based on what we learn from “the word” versus reacting to them…..RESILIENCE!

Self control = Resilience. Are we quick to listen and slow to anger? Do we put others first? Do we love and pray for our enemies? Do we pray behind closed doors? I could go on and on listing one Bible teaching after another. The Bible is the source of how we learn to respond vs react. It starts with a willing heart, spending time with God each day, and being doers of the word.

#getrooted #bedoersoftheword #responsevsreaction #workingwomen #itsallinthebible