Become Love

“Three things will last forever – faith, hope and love- and the greatest of these is LOVE.” 1 Corinthians 13:13.

This whole scripture is all about LOVE.  Twenty-eight years ago, this scripture was read at my wedding.   My knowledge and understanding of love has changed so much since then.  Let me explain.

In July 2016 I committed to follow Jesus and His ways for the rest of my life.  I asked myself, what are the ways of my Lord and Savior? Encouraged by my mentor, Terri, I purchased my first Bible and started to study His ways.  My daughter Jessi suggested I begin reading in John. She told me it is all about LOVE. Not knowing the books of the Bible intimately, I started reading 1 John thinking this was the Gospel of John.  I had a lot to learn about this incredible book called “The Bible”. I remained strong to my commitment and I continued to read and learn about Jesus and his ways daily. It did not take long for it to become very clear to me that He loves me and everyone, ALL the time! I desperately lacked this type of love in my life.  

What is Love?  Here is how Paul explains it in the Bible:

“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.  It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. LOVE never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is a choice!  Let me shout that loudly to you all–Love is a choice!  We are not born to be patient or kind, we want what we want and we go after it, some of us really hard and in unjust ways!  Jealousy and pride were running rampant in my life. Being super demanding and always being right was the only way I knew how to react toward people, both in my family and at work.  I once had a boss that called me feisty and demanding and another that called me a control freak right to my face.

It became obvious to me that choosing love was not happening in my personal or my work life.  I chose anger, jealousy, was prideful and I always had to be right.  What a blind eye I had on the subject of love! I had chosen to make money and grow my career by any means possible.  I treated my husband however I wanted to and I completely abandoned a relationship with God. I was miserable and a blamer. Where was the love in my life that Paul had wrote about in the bible? How did I become this way?

Fast forward to the summer of 2017, transformation of my life had begun.  My daughter Jessi and I were working at the same company. We were always around the same people.  One of her fellow sales colleagues said to her, “What’s up with your Mom, she is being so nice!?” Another coworker asked me personally if something had changed with me, “you seem different and happy!”  Knowing he is a Christian, I said “I have the Holy Spirit inside of me!” LOVE was inside of me!!!

Friends, the moment I chose love, my life began to change.  Jesus is love and I am committed to follow Him. I am committed to become love!

In our work lives I believe that we as women can be successful and be love.  Yes, there are times as leaders that we need to be strong, stand up for what is right and correct behavior.  But, are we reacting to these things in a Godly way? Are we turning to God for guidance through prayer and bible reading daily?  When we are guided by God and our heart turns to love vs lashing out in anger, our work world will change!

My heart has changed and I choose to act in love towards my family, my colleagues, my friends, my community and my church.  When you decide to choose love, be ready for your life to change forever!

Lisa Williams