Matthew 7:12.  Known by cultures all over the world as the Golden Rule.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” 

However, in today’s culture there is growing sentiment that the Golden Rule is no longer an adequate aspiration to live by.   The argument is whether or not the word YOU should be replaced with ME.  Basically, treat me how I want to be treated. But let’s jump in and review what Jesus was teaching us.

The Message phrases Matthew 7:12 as, “Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.”  When taught from this perspective it is about putting yourself last and others first. 

When you begin to study this scripture and the Bible’s teachings you realize this message from Jesus is not as simple as just being nice or not causing harm to others.   This scripture is about ACTIVE goodness and mercy. We tend to skip over the word DO. It’s not BE unto others it’s DO unto others. It’s action!

Do you forgive others and tell them!

Do you actively listen when others are talking?

Do you give your time to help others?

Do you write thank you notes?

Do you pay it forward at the coffee shop?

Do you offer to help the homeless?

Do you go out of your way to help a spouse or friend with something?

Do you clean up a mess in your house that wasn’t yours?

We can’t just take one scripture and denounce it as no longer being valid.  You have to read and learn from all the teachings in the Bible together.  No single scripture can stand alone.  Later in Matthew Chapter 22 Jesus explains to the Pharisees The Greatest Commandment: 

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Laws and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Jesus did not say love your neighbor if they only drive a fancy car.  Jesus did not say love your neighbor only if they do not have loud parties and irritate you.  Jesus did not say love your neighbor only if they vote the same way you vote.

If we are to truly love our neighbors as our self then surely we can see that DOING unto others is still very much needed in our society. It’s not about just being nice. We can be nice all day long (or even fake nice) and never once DO anything for anyone else.  When was the last time you DID something nice for that annoying neighbor?

So yes the Golden Rule is still valid and we should make more of an effort to include it in our day to day lives. Think about the Golden Rule and the Greatest Commandment together. Concentrate on what you CAN do to show others your love for God just like He shows His love to you. Think of one thing today that you’d love if someone did for you and instead go do it for someone else! That’s the heart of Matthew 7:12. Less self; more doing.

Stay Rooted!

Love Heather & Lisa
