Passion & Purpose

The Law of Awareness…”You must know yourself to grow yourself.” John Maxwell

So many of us are told we have great potential.  Potential is a great word!  But…how do we turn great potential into growth?

If we want to be a leader who people follow, we have to start with leading ourselves and getting to know ourselves.

We cannot lead at work, as a parent or in our faith if we don’t know ourselves. We need to know where we stand today and where we need to grow.  We must be aware!

Many of us walk around hating our jobs each day, wishing our family life was better, or wishing we could influence people in our faith.  We complain often and do life with an attitude of “let me just get through this day.”  We are Debbie Downers, living each day with no passion or purpose.  Our attitudes are in the gutter.

Then… we wonder why we are not successful in our roles?  We are wishing something will change but it never does. Change cannot be wished for, it requires awareness and action to happen.

We need to be aware of what is going on in our lives. We have to know who we are to grow our potential. But we also need to grow in order to know who we are.

This can be confusing and easily ignored by most of us. 

What are we to do?

John Maxwell suggests asking ourselves a few questions to help us become more aware. This process will help us discover our passion and purpose to begin the growth process.  We will get to do what we love and in turn become better leaders.

1. Do you like what you are doing?

2. What would you like to do?

3. Can you do what you would like to do?

4. Do you know WHY you want to do what you would like to do?

5. Do you know what to do so you CAN do what you want to do?

The road to doing what we like to do and what we are meant to do can be difficult.  It will be uphill everyday, requires self discipline and a lot of hard work. We  must be willing to unlearn old stuff and learn new stuff.  Change must happen to grow!

This growth process will end up being more difficult than we ever imagined…but BETTER than we could ever have imagined also! Imagine this…we will get to live out our passion and purpose!! Passionate people are successful people!

If we want to lead and find joy at work, home or on our faith walk – we must ask ourselves the above questions, be aware, and take action.

Nothing compares to doing what we were created to do and to get there WE need to know ourselves!

Stay Rooted ❤️

Lisa and Heather

#beaware #passion #purpose #leaders