Pride & Haughtiness

“ Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.”

Proverb 16:18

Proud people usually don’t think they are proud but people around them are well aware of it!

From what I have studied haughtiness is when one thinks they are arrogantly superior and better than other people. If one is proud they take little account for their weaknesses, self-satisfaction is top priority and stumbling blocks are not considered in their thoughts. If they want it, they will get it, no matter what, period. Do you know anyone like this? 

Pride & haughtiness concern me on many levels as I study the Bible. We all have this in us due to original sin.  Satan was thrown out of Heaven due to pride and haughtiness. These sins cause separation and division. Pride WILL flare up in our lives and we need to become aware of its destruction.

Pastor Jordan recently said in a sermon, “We can not be pride managers and call this humility.”  He really got me thinking…Am I prideful and full of haughtiness but managing it just enough to be accepted by others?

When describing pride and haughtiness above did you say – maybe that person I know…is me?  Not to be mean, but yes, we are all prideful beings. How do we stop managing our pride?

Here is a practical first step as a Christian. Call or meet with a trusted Christian friend and ask them if pride and self-satisfaction are blinding you and extremely present in your life? They will see what you can’t see and it just may help protect you from destruction or a fall.

Leave a comment below if you try this practical step. What did you learn about pride in your life?

Always learning together!

Love you all and stay rooted,

Lisa & Heather ❤️