Teaching Thursday with Rooted


“You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.” Psalm 4:7

We all long for this “greater joy” in our lives. In this Psalm David talks about inward joy and outward joy aka happiness.

Inward joy comes from knowing and trusting God. David knew and trusted God!  Outward happiness comes as a result of pleasant circumstances – the rain.

As we build an intimate relationship with God, inward joy will be steady and constant. Happiness on the other hand is unpredictable and temporary.

Inward joy can only be had and kept with the acceptance of God through Christ. Inward joy will defeat discouragement.

In contrast, happiness comes and goes with our circumstances and will only cover up discouragement, making us moody and only happy when our circumstances are good.

With Jesus and his Holy Spirit inside of us we can have complete inward JOY in need for nothing else. It will flow within us like a bubbling creek flows – naturally and abundantly.

But, if our happiness only comes when the rain comes – we are living for pleasant circumstances – only being happy when we get what we want when we want it.

Our life living goals…to live with inward joy no matter what the circumstance!

This goal can ONLY be achieved with Jesus!

Stay Rooted,

Lisa and Heather ❤️