Choose LOVE

Good morning! Christmas is in two days! Heather and I absolutely LOVE CHRISTMAS!! ❤️🎄💚

A lot of us will be super busy traveling, cooking, baking cookies, shopping, wrapping and spending time with family over the next few days. Heather and I both had a great reminder in our reading in Romans 13 this morning: “LOVE your neighbor as yourself!”

When things get chaotic, crowds are overwhelming or that one family member annoys you – remember to LOVE. Paul says, “owe nothing to anyone – except for your obligation to LOVE one another” (Romans 13:9) THAT IS IT! LOVE ❤️❤️❤️

I say daily… “Nobody owes me a thing!” There is a sticky note of this saying on my mirror in my bathroom. Challenge yourself to have this attitude this Christmas and watch how peace will over come you! 🙌🏻 #keepitsimple

LOVE everyone you come in contact with like you LOVE yourself – it is a choice, choose LOVE!

LOVE is the greatest commandment there is! ❤️🎄💚

We LOVE you! 🥰