
The first time I read this in Romans I breezed right by it. But yesterday it jumped out in bold font! I spent years and years trying to be “good” – I truly thought if I don’t cuss, if I’m nice, if I volunteer, if I teach Sunday school, God will bless me and my family. But I was stumbling over the stone – every – single – time!

God sent his son to save ALL people. Not just good people. God’s plan has always been for us to realize we will NEVER be good enough so we must constantly pray and depend on Him. #crazyfaith

Big hugs and lots of love to you all! Have a blessed Thursday!

Heather & Lisa

#wwrf #rediscoverjesus #itdontmakenosense

Irene Keziah Smith- that hash tag is for you! I keep hearing your words as I read Romans! ❤️❤️