Plug in Your Suffering

Hi my friends, Lisa here! We are just over 3 weeks until Christmas! Yay!What a blessing to celebrate, freely, our LOVE for our Savior’s birth! ❤️

During this time of year we may know someone or be someone who is suffering. Suffering comes in many shapes and sizes and wears many different masks.

What is your suffering? Is it a sick parent, marriage problems, you are sick, a rebellious teenager, money problems or the loss of a loved one.

Plug in your suffering.

My heart aches when I know someone who is suffering. Mathew Kelly describes suffering as “one of the mysteries of the human experience. I don’t know why I suffer in certain ways and others suffer in other ways.”

As I learn more about the people in the Bible and their stories, this I know to be true… suffering will be part of everyone’s life but it can transform us in unimaginable ways!

Mathew Kelly says, “suffering reminds us, perhaps more than anything else, that God ways are not our ways.” #truth

As we Rediscover Jesus know that Jesus cares about your suffering. He has a plan for you even if it does not seem fair! It remains a mystery why some suffer like they do, but I believe in the end we will find out why. Jesus has the answers for everything!

“We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”

Romans 5:3-4

These are Paul’s words from Romans and are so encouraging. While on earth, lift up your suffering to God in prayer and don’t lose HOPE!

Jesus wants our commitment to Him and wants to help you, you are not alone in your suffering when you have Christ. ❤️

Ponder this…We can run and hide from our suffering or WE can allow it to transform us in unimaginable ways! Suffering WILL produce endurance, character and so much HOPE!! Let us rejoice in our suffering!!!

“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”

Luke 9:23

You are loved by Jesus in your life even when you are suffering. Go to Him, trust Him and ask yourself “what is my cross of suffering?” Then….right now, pick it up, deny yourself and follow Him.

Do not delay! This is life changing, I can testify to this. 🙌🏻

Love you all ❤️