It’s OK to Rest!

Is your calendar full from the moment you wake up until you go to bed? Do you feel guilty if every minute of your day isn’t productive? Yes I know the feeling! Trust me!

Last week I found myself mentally and physically drained one evening. When I looked back on my day I had been in 6 meetings in a row…with no break…with no time to recalibrate myself in between. Worst of all in my rush I wasn’t keeping my conversation with God going that day!

Take time today to recalibrate. Ladies, it’s ok to rest!! We don’t have to be on point and productive 18 hours per day.  The best part is we can find rest in God, our Father who is always with us!

Let’s be diligent about taking time throughout our busy day to just REST and rest in Him…to be still and just feel His presence. Sign me up!

“Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles did not even have time to eat.”

(Mark 6:31)