
Coming off a fun filled weekend can be hard to get moving this Monday morning – I am with you all!! Let me encourage you to get renewal through your time in the Bible this morning!

When my alarm went off at 4:30 this morning, I was tired. But before my feet hit the ground, I thanked God I woke this morning. What a true blessing we get to wake and have another day!  Then I made my coffee and submerged myself in the Word.  Nothing like a little coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. ❤️

This picture of this incredible tree was taken by me on a hike this weekend. It is a tree that has been through some struggles and has resilience and keeps going, keeps growing!  The struggle is real for this tree, but the tree was ROOTED deep enough to keep growing.

Like this tree, we must be rooted in God’s Word.  Applying God’s Word daily will help us grow.  When we exercise our muscles, they become stronger. If we don’t exercise we become flabby.  If you are not growing stronger, you are growing weaker – it is impossible to stand still.

Get in the Word, renew yourself daily and exercise your faith! This will allow you to GROW in your faith and BUILD an intimate and STRONG  relationship with God through Jesus!  🙌🏻❤️