“Who are you coaching and developing to replace you?”

It is important that we continually look for and invest time in future leaders.  As Jesus walked the earth he was surrounded by disciples; his trusted inner circle.  Especially when it came to Peter, James, and John.  He spent time with them, he invested in them, and he taught them to become future leaders of God’s word.

So how can you lead differently and develop that next leader to emerge from your team?

*Give them opportunities to be front and center. 

*Give them a chance to sit at the table; treat them like they have already gotten the promotion.

*Engage them for their opinions and then LISTEN!

*Don’t shy away from hard conversations.  But give feedback out of love with only the intent of building them up and not tearing them down.

*Entrust them with an important project.

*Give them leadership opportunities.

*Provide all necessary resources and training that your future leaders needs.

*Promote their strengths and talents to your colleagues.

*Provide a safe environment for them to share their wins and defeats without judgement.

*Get to know their dreams!

The Bible says in Philippians 2:3, “Consider others as more important than yourselves.” I have been in the working world for 26 years and I have not always lived out this scripture in my career. But I am learning so much through my relationship with Jesus Christ and I can tell you first hand that this type of leadership is needed at work, in ministry, and in our homes.

It is a common myth that leading a team will automatically make you a leader. We need the Holy Spirit living in us to be a better leader. Will every encounter and every day be perfect? No. Will you have moments where you don’t feel like a great leader? Yes. But keep running to the Lord and His Word!! ❤️❤️ Nothing is impossible with God!  We need daily renewing of our hearts and minds so that we can be better today than we were yesterday!

I will never forget the very first time a colleague pulled me to the side one day after a business meeting and said, “I see a leader in you! Will you give me the opportunity to coach and mentor you?” He wasn’t just looking out for himself. He had my interests at heart.

Who is standing near you right now? How active are you in developing those around you? Do you take the time to mentor and coach? Who are you preparing to one day step into your role? And…….do it better?! 🙌🏻

John C. Maxwell writes, “Nothing is more tragic for a leader than to get to the top of the ladder and realize you’re all alone.  Invest in others.  Hold their ladder.”

“I see a leader in you!”

Love, Rooted

Heather & Lisa

#stayrooted #holdladders #thinkofothers #helpthemgrow