Help…I want to Grow!

So how is your New Year’s resolution going? Well, most people quit by now or have forgotten about the change they so desperately wanted. If we want change it has to stay in the forefront of our minds! Today we are going to unpack the why behind growth and how it is the foundation of development.

Intentional growth has to include some self discipline. This is that price we pay when we want to achieve something with a desired result. For example…I want to eat healthy, so I need intentional self discipline to prepare and prep my food for the week so I stay on track. I give up a few hours on Sunday to have a successful eating week. I pay the price of commitment for success.

Now think about work, it does takes intentional self discipline to get up and go to work daily, to be on time, and be productive then in return we receive a pay check. But…what about people that want to grow in their career, to influence others, and become a leader? What kind of self discipline will this take and what will be the price we have to pay to get the desired results?

It starts with personal development. Self discipline geared toward intentional personal development will take us from where we are to where we want to be! We HAVE to grow ourselves to develop and lead others. We can only develop others to the level we are at in our leadership. This is called the “Law of the Lid” that John Maxwell teaches us in his 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. (Great book – read it!)

We grow and develop by reading books, listening to Podcasts, reading blogs and white papers, watching digital trainings, attending seminars and meeting with mentors or coaches – then we become a “student” of leadership. Students who dig deep and put in the effort will develop influence, insight, and knowledge. Can you imagine a professional athlete not learning and practicing their sport…why do us professionals at work think we don’t need to learn and practice our sport aka our trade? Learning combined with experience will help us develop influence and we will start to grow!

As you wake up tomorrow say to yourself, “what can I do today that will get me closer to being a person with influence, a leader that people want to follow?” Then do it!

I’ll end with this and it is a big WARNING! Growth and development is a SLOW daily uphill climb. For example, becoming a leader with influence does not happen overnight, over night success does not exist! We must be climbing uphill day after day and year after year – practicing our trade, developing ourselves, and leading our teams. This take intentional self discipline with consistency.

We encourage you to start today! Create your personal growth plan and know that intentional self discipline is part of this journey. We must grow ourselves to develop others, this is how we become leaders with influence that people WILL WANT to follow.

Intentional & consistent self discipline comes before success…are you will to pay the price?

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather
