Choosing how we handle the day to day “craziness” as I call it builds resilience. Every day we are faced with challenges and decisions. I have learned through my career, in being a wife, and a mother of three that things don’t always go as planned. Honestly! Learn that now! 😉

For many years this was a big struggle in my life because I’m a planner and I like things to go smoothly. If something didn’t go well I felt I had not prepared well enough or that I simply wasn’t good enough. #lies

And then came 2022….and well, this has just been a whole year of craziness that has continued to teach me about change and resilience.

“God chooses what we go through; we choose how we go through it.”

As I thought about these words from John C. Maxwell, James 1:22 came to me. “Be ye doers of the word.” Doing is an ACTION and comes with a choice! Responding to situations based on what we learn from “the word” versus reacting to them…..this develops RESILIENCE!

Self control = Resilience.

Are we quick to listen and slow to anger? Do we put others first? Do we love and pray for our enemies? Do we pray behind closed doors? I could go on and on listing one Bible teaching after another that helps us learn living with resilience.

The Bible is the source of how we learn to respond vs react. Life will always be full of surprises, difficulties, and unplanned events. Our response to these situations is what matters to God. It starts with a willing heart, spending time with God each day, and being doers of His word.

And the new year approaches what are your goals? Are you preparing for resilience? Are you committed to that quiet time with God every day? Are you willing to be a doer of God’s word?

Love from Rooted

Heather & Lisa
