
Proud people usually don’t think they are proud but people around them are well aware of it!

“Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.”

Proverbs 16:18

From what I have studied, haughtiness is when one thinks they are arrogantly superior and better than other people. If one is proud they take little account for their weaknesses and their self-satisfaction is top priority – can you say arrogance? When swimming in the pool of arrogance…the Golden Rule is not considered – if they want it, they will get it, no matter what, no matter who they hurt and at any cost – period. Do you work with anyone like this? Is this you in the workplace?

Satan was thrown out of Heaven due to his sin of pride and haughtiness. Like Satan’s situation, these two sins cause separation and division on a team or within a company.

“The Lord detest the proud; they will surely be punished.” Proverbs 16:1

Pride & haughtiness is not just saved for the non-Christians at work it unfortunately will tempt ALL and if you don’t think it will touch you…you may be swimming in the deep end of prideful arrogance right now! If you are struggling with team unity, there is a pride problem alive and thriving somewhere on your team or in your company. So what do we do?

As with pretty much everything we desire to change in our lives, it must start with us! A practical first step is to meet with a trusted Christian friend and ask them if pride and self-satisfaction are blinding you and present in your life? Our trusted “Christian besties” will see what we can’t see and it just may help protect you from destruction or a fall.

Secondly, we need to be vigilant to the signs of pride separation among our teams. Take what your friends told you and then look in the mirror. Always ask God to search your heart and mind and make you aware of the selfishness and arrogance in your life. Becoming self aware will tell us so much about our pride & haughtiness level. Without becoming AWARE of how we act and react to others, we remain all about us! As leaders with influence we can make true desired change versus just being pride managers. Stop managing pride on your teams and become the change!

We encourage you to humbly put others first. This is not easy, but the Holy Spirit within can help – call on God’s power through prayer and learn His Word! Give honor and reverence to our God in all that you do! You may be considered soft and weak in the workplace when you kill pride and then act humbly kind…but oh our God – the powerful change it will create in you will reflect greatly on your team. #servantleadership #unity

“Fear of the Lord teaches wisdom; humility precedes honor.”

Proverbs 15:33

Let us all stop blaming others for our team’s lack of unity and become the change within that God wants for us. Really be humble, be kind, and stop managing your pride. I can testify personally that God’s way works and will build unity among a team within the secular world. #lessofself #moreofthem

When we kill the pride & haughtiness within, many will unite! 🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather ❤️
