Have you ever thought about what it would feel like if you couldn’t speak? I’m talking about something beyond a few days of laryngitis.  This is exactly what happened to Zechariah the moment he questioned Gabriel, an angel of the Lord, about the baby that was to be born to him and Elizabeth. “But now, since you didn’t believe what I said, you will be unable to speak until the child is born.” (Luke 1:20)

Unable to speak.

Just like that.

Zechariah doubted the word from God. He questioned Gabriel and said, “How can I be sure?” Zechariah, a man who’s heart was for God, a man who was righteous; had a moment of doubt. And he lost his voice.

As I studied these scriptures questions came to my mind. What am I not trusting? What doubts do I have? What am I just not sure about?  Are these doubts silencing my voice just like Zechariah? Whew! 🔥

But I love how God shows us the way! Just a few scriptures later we see the opposite of Zechariah. We see Mary learning from Gabriel that she’s going to give birth to a son named Jesus and that he would be called the Son of the Most High. Can you imagine? And although she’s confused because she is a virgin she responds with, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” She basically said, “ok, if that’s what God wants I’ll do it because I trust His plan.”

Mary didn’t need it all laid out in a nice detailed portfolio (conviction!). She just said, “ok.” The Bible goes on to say Mary was “blessed because she believed that the Lord would do what he said.” Because of her belief God performed a miracle in her life.

How thankful I am that God has a lot more patience than I do. Honest doubt is part of our human nature but we learn that we should strive to be more like Mary and believe what God tells us is truth. And when we believe God’s words and His promises to us, we will start to experience His power in our lives.

So what am I not believing? I know where my doubts have been centered. And God knows them too. But I will keep running to His word and I’ll keep spending time in prayer because I don’t want to lose my voice. I will trust in His plan for me today, tomorrow, and all the days to come after.

So, what are you not believing?

Happy Friday Rooted Ladies!


Heather & Lisa