Jesus Defines Servant Leadership

Reading the story of Jesus’ death can be overwhelming and beautiful at the same time. It literally brings tears to my eyes and I am so grateful for Him. He obeyed God’s will perfectly and endured the mocking, beating, and nailing to the CROSS. He suffered and died so greatly for us. He gave up His rights in order to obey His Father for all of us!!  Thank you Jesus. ❤️

Let’s reflect on how Jesus served while on this earth. Remember, Jesus has ALL the power and ALL the authority in heaven and on earth & He still put other people first!

Our worldly work world sees power as a way to gain control over others – but not our Jesus – He chose to serve others, to make them more important than Him – this is servant leadership!

(Phew, what an amazing leader!)

A few ways He led and served that could impact our lives both at work and at home….

He held children in his arms

Healed & comforted the sick

He loved unconditionally

Washed the disciples feet

He listened and cared

Fed the hungry

He was an incredible teacher

He created unity among each other

Had dinner with thieves & prostitutes


He died for the sins of the WORLD!

YES – He died for the whole world! He willingly gave up His rights to obey and follow God and died on a cross for us!! (I am in awe of Him!)!

We as Christians receive this same power to SERVE. As believers we are called to be SERVANTS of Christ – both at home and at work!

So as you walk into the workplace today to perform your duties, think like Jesus would. Put others first. Give up your right to be right. Don’t be selfish. Help others. Listen well. Don’t try to impress others. Be humble. Have an attitude of serving others and then put some action to this attitude and do it.

This is servant leadership!

Jesus was the best leader ever alive and He truly defines what it means to lead and serve people.

Jesus was not a complainer, so we must not be either. When you have an attitude of serving, complaining is not part of your life.  We as Christians must submit to God and our work authority and give up our “so called rights.”  Show genuine interest in the people you work with and unity will blossom within your teams. Selfishness can ruin many things in life. We must lay aside selfishness and treat others with respect.

“Don’t do anything for selfish purposes, but with humility think of others as better than yourselves.” Phil 2:3

Not everything that happens within the workplace makes sense or is fair.  Heather and I have both experienced crazy, senseless, & unfair things within our work careers.  We hear you saying, “but you don’t understand Rooted, my boss is the worst”… but hear us say, “but oh our God!!!”

Both of us have adopted this servant attitude and it is career changing when God is involved!  We have learned to stay humble, calm, and lead with love and always call on our God for guidance, wisdom, and protection. God loves us and wants the best for us even when crazy, senseless, and unfair things are happening at work. Sometimes I think us believers forget to take God to work with us, this is a reminder for us all to stay rooted at work! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

As Christ served, so we are to serve. We are called to have the same attitude of Christ (Phil 2:5) and let me add even when you are at work!!

Demonstrate Christ’s example of putting others first, really being a servant to others, and then we will truly experience unity among your coworkers and teams.

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather
