God’s Power

As Christians, ever have a day or maybe even a week or month or year when it seems that everything is against you – when you feel like you are on trial or you are suffering greatly?  When your reputation may be at stake?

In the Bible, it describes how an apostle of Jesus Christ named Paul led and planted churches for years, but also faced so many trials and suffered greatly.

In the last week I was given scripture to go read by my Christian mentor and also the Pastor at my church. It was 2 Corinthians 12:9, so I have been studying it this week. Wow is all I can say!!

We all have trials we go through and so did Paul who was a spiritual giant. If you are in the middle of suffering please go read chapter 11 & 12.  Paul teaches us that we will suffer as Christians for the cause of Jesus Christ, trials will come, we must stand up for our faith and stay strong for Christ!

He also teaches us not to boast in our successes and crave for the world to say…look how great you are! ARE we looking for man’s approval OR are we satisfied with knowing that God knows our hearts and that we are faithful to the Kingdom.

“If I must boast, I would rather boast about the things that show how weak I am.” 2 Corn 11:30

Paul was super concerned that the Corinthians were starting to follow false apostles who made up things and told their version of Jesus, the gospels, and the Spirit. Paul was not concerned with personal gain only with honoring and preaching the Good News. Period!!

I want to be like Paul, but with this honoring of Christ will come suffering.

Honestly, I could keep writing on these two Chapters for weeks because they are filled with so so much all of us Christians need to learn.

So I had to pick something to end with…I will end with Paul praying to the Lord and asking him to remove a thorn in his side – basically an illness of some sort. He prayed three times and was finally answered by the Lord, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness…”  2 Corn 12:9

Paul lived with his illness and received great grace from God, a stronger character, humility, and the ability to empathize with others. Sometimes we have things in life that happen to us that make us weak. It’s okay. Learn from Paul and embrace the weakness – whatever it is. This will grow our faith and make us stronger. God’s grace is enough.

“So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

2 Corn 12:9 (continued)

Paul continues to say, “That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ.” Vs 10

The obstacles WILL come, suffering is part of our walk with Jesus. When we try to be strong in our own abilities as a Christian and try to do God’s work on our own, this can lead to pride.  God opposes prideful people, He wants us to be humble.

When we are weak, we must allow God to fill us with His power, then we are stronger than we could ever be on our own. #HolySpiritpower

As Christians we are not to be passive, ineffective, or weak in our duties – we are to depend on God! Go to God! Only His power will make us effective for Him and will help us do work that has lasting value. #gotoHim #prayer

“For when I am weak, then I am strong,” says Paul.

Be like Paul who was more concerned about honoring Christ than protecting his own reputation. 🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,Lisa & Heather 🤍