Value & Leadership

One of the biggest things I have learned over the last two years about leadership is the meaning of value.  Value has nothing to do with goods or profits, which is difficult to get out of the mind of a sales trainer that works for a sales dominated company.  But with the Holy Spirit inside of me, transformation will and did come!!

As a Christian leader in the secular world, the meaning of value has become so much more to me. It has to do with the people and the people only! If we start valuing our people, the profits will come.

“Five things I say every morning” was taught to me by John Maxwell two years ago. I’ll share it with you!

1. “I value people” – this is the foundation of becoming a leader!

2. Always be “thinking” of ways to add value to people everyday. Our minds must be on our people, not the profits.

3. I LOOK for ways to add value to people and I DO IT daily. Large & small things we do go a long way with trust and rapport building.

4. I do things that value people, my actions and words really MATTER.

5. I “encourage” others to add value to their people. The best leaders are encouragers and a team that encourages each other will flourish and then build their teams that way!

These 5 things have helped change me as a leader, I hope they encourage you!

Each morning before my feet hit the ground I think of these 5 things as I am thanking God for another day!! The day starts and it is not about me, it is about the people I will be working with that day and glorifying our God. 🙌🏻

I have an attitude that nobody owes me a thing and let me value others as much as I can. (Not everyday goes exactly like this but I start off with good intentions, I adjust with the help of the Holy Spirit if I am starting to make it about me – just trying to keep it real!🙃 – no one is perfect!)

When we truly learn to value people and search for ways to add value and actually do it, your team will prosper and be so full of joy!

But… if we go to work dreading to see anyone, with an attitude that these people are not worthy and I have better things to do than to lift up my teams, just get your work done so I look good – be ready for division and chaos.

This Proverb summed it up for me:

“If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you.” 11:27

Value all people – find good in them – make sure you tell them you value them and watch God’s hand of favor be on you as a Christian leader in the secular world. ❤️

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather

#Valuepeople #leadership #wwrf