Our Great Partner

Have you ever seen a yoke? Essentially it’s a long piece of wood that rests on an ox’s neck to increase the pulling power. It’s often laid across two oxen to keep them working together. Simple and effective. But it’s wood and it’s heavy.

As working women rooted in faith we know that the Bible doesn’t tell us our days won’t be without trouble. We will have yokes in life; trials, tribulations and challenges that hang around our neck even after we’ve given our lives to God. But we also know that God provides shelter; He covers us with His wings. And He takes our burdens and places them on His shoulders.

“Come to me, all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 – oh how I love red letters in the Bible.

When we are weary and carry heavy burdens – Jesus gives us rest. Rest so we can be free of anxiety, worry, and fear. Rest so that we can sleep at night. Rest so we can quiet our minds and focus on what matters for the day. We can rest in assurance that every trial, every path that seems like a detour, is ultimately leading us into something bigger and better.

Like with two oxen yoked together; we are yoked with our Father. Jesus promises that His yoke is easy to bear. He is taking care of the heavy part. The weight we carry is shared and trust me; God has a lot more strength than we do!!! Because of this great partnership we have the lighter burden to bear. Jesus is right there beside us, sharing the yoke, pulling us along.

Happy Friday ladies! Rejoice!

Heather & Lisa

#takemyyoke #iwillgiveyourest #wwrf