
Reading in the OT this morning about Kings that were pleasing in God’s eyes or not. Many Kings faced  problems or tragedy that led to many types of troubles.  My Bible teaching said we must remember that troubled times give us a chance to grow.  When I am in the midst of troubles, I don’t always think about growth – but God does.

This led me to the book of James.

“…when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.”  James 1:2

Troubles equal great joy?!  This is a hard verse to really take hold of and believe when you are in a heap of tears or pain is flooding your body.  But it is written and we must trust God that there will be great joy that comes from our troubles.

It goes on to say…”For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” James 1:3

James is saying we already “know” that…troubles, pain, heartaches, sickness, loss (you name your trouble)…we know we will be tested.  When this trouble does come, our endurance will grow. We can look back at some great trouble and see that we did grow in that time with God. It is hard while we are in the trouble and always easier to look back.

So we encourage you if you are going through something right now, God gives you the endurance to get through it!  Stay strong in the Lord and trust the living Word!! He has a plan.

“So let it grow, for when endurance is fully developed, you will be perfected and complete needing nothing.”

James 1:4

As a trainer in sales and leadership I often say to our teams, when we have troubles look at the situation as an opportunity not a problem! 

These troubles in the work world or at home are considered “opportunities for growth.” 

As Christians, we will face troubles and WE WILL grow from our troubles!! We need to stay connected and rooted in God during our good times and in our times of troubles.  Go directly to Him in prayer and ask for answers, ask Him to solve your problem.  Be still, be in His will, love, and trust God. Have patience and wait on God.  He wants the best for us because He loves us so deeply. He wants us to grow and depend solely on Him, wanting nothing else but our almighty God and His perfect will for our lives. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Our encouragement today to all of our readers is when you are facing ANY and ALL types of troubles, don’t turn away from God; rather turn to Him!!  These are opportunities for you to claim God’s help and grow to be more like Jesus.

Pray, pray, pray.

He hears you.

Do not run away from our God.

Stay Rooted,Lisa & Heather ❤️