(Read 2 Timothy 2)

Encouraging you today to keep studying and learning your Bibles. God will bring insight and understanding through His Word but we need to read it. He will give you wisdom if we ask Him. (James 1:5)

Get under wholesome & sound teaching and learn about Jesus and His ways. We must be soldiers for our Jesus no matter what!

(Read 2 Timothy 2)

Then spread the Good News about Jesus with all your might. God is faithful to His children, this is a never changing truth, don’t be afraid to tell people about Jesus and your story. Be like Paul and Timothy who loved the Lord wholeheartedly and followed His ways and did spread the Good News through teaching to people in their community.

God has a plan for you and loves you so so much. Go out and tell others about our Jesus!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️❤️

Keep pressing on and passing the Good News on and be encouraged today.

We love you!