Seek Advice for Success

Life is full of big decisions; especially when it comes to the workplace. Should I go for that promotion? Should I tackle this big project? Should I take a different career path? Of course, being a Rooted Woman we take these decisions to God and we seek His guidance first. But the Bible also tells us there is wisdom in seeking advice; especially of those with strong faith.

“Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.” Proverbs 15:22. In the workplace it’s especially important to build a network of advisers and to seek counsel from those who you know will support you with Biblical truths. And from those that will ask hard questions! Stay open minded, seek guidance, and be willing to see things from a different perspective.

But be careful who you seek advice from and not be deceived. One of the biggest examples of bad advice happened right in the Garden of Eden. Satan tempted Eve when he insisted she should eat the apple. She wanted the wisdom that she thought the fruit could give her. In hindsight it was a terrible decision based on a lie. Satan is sneaky like that.

We need wisdom and counsel from God’s word. James 1:5 says, “If you need wisdom ask our generous God, and he will give it to you He will not rebuke you for asking.” We can take any decision to God. He will guide us and direct our paths. And I’ve seen this prayer answered by working through the council of others. One thing I’ve learned is that God will put people in our paths for a reason. Thank you Jesus for being so good to us!

As you seek God’s wisdom then seek wisdom and counsel from those who are rooted in God’s word too.  “The lips of the wise give good advice.” Proverbs 15:7.  Ultimately we want our decisions to be pleasing to God.  Ask Him to put spirit-filled people around you that will help you make wise and sound decisions.

Father, as we face big decisions, we pray for Your divine intercession. Both as we read Your word and seek Your council, we pray that you will also surround us with spirit filled counselors. Direct our decisions in such a way that they please You. We trust in Your plan gracious Father. Amen


Heather & Lisa