You Are What You Eat

Have you ever said to yourself, “Well I held my tongue and I didn’t say what I was thinking out loud!” And maybe even felt kind of proud about it?  I know I can raise my hand. 🙃

But as I read Psalm 19:14 I started thinking about the discipline of holding my tongue a little differently. “May these words of my mouth AND this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalms‬ ‭19:14‬). The word “and” here is significant.

Words flow from the heart. Jesus emphasized this to the Pharisees when he said, “You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Matthew 12:34). When our hearts aren’t right, our words won’t be right.  We may be disciplined enough to control the words that we speak, but how do our thoughts become pleasing to our Lord as well? If we are grumbling under our breath then is thinking it any less worse than saying it out loud? Lord, transform our hearts!

There’s an old saying, “You are what you eat.” And while that’s not what David wrote I definitely think you can relate it to this Psalm. When we fill our body with junk or too much sugar we aren’t functioning at our best. It’s the same with our spiritual walk. If we aren’t filling our mind with spiritual truths that come from God’s daily bread (the Bible) and meditating on His living word, then our thoughts can quickly erode. The more we seek Him and meditate on His word, the more our minds will transform and our thoughts will become more and more pleasing to God. Amazing!

Lord, we come to you with a thankful heart. We are thankful for Your Word that You have given us. Help us transform our minds as we study and meditate through this daily bread that you’ve given us. Help us give up more and more of ourselves so that we can become more and more like you; not only with our words but also with our thoughts. Transform our hearts. We ask in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Love from Rooted,

Heather & Lisa

#thoughtsandwords #fromtheheart #weneedourdailybread