Several years ago I was called for jury duty for a serious crime. For three days the jurors were examined. It was grueling. The entire process was very interesting to say the least. But it opened my eyes in terms of being found guilty or innocent. 

David made a ton of foolish mistakes in his lifetime, one thing was consistent. He sought God and his heart was centered on his Father.   So when David faced false accusations, he pleaded for the Lord to clear his name. “Declare me innocent, O Lord.” He knew that God would help clear his name as he faced injustice.

But then David asks God to put him on trial and to examine the motives of his heart. Whew! How often do we ask that? Is it a prayer that we often pray? While a jury may be selected to prove a person’s innocence or guilt we also serve a God who knows all things. He knows even the number of hairs on our head! (Mat 10:30). He knows our guilt or innocence and He knows the deepest part of our hearts.

Our human nature makes us inclined to hide and not be exposed. But, praise to God that He is merciful and just. We can put our trust in God to support our innocence but to also forgive us of our sins when our motives or actions were self serving versus Christ serving. The more we give up our self-nature, the closer we grow in our relationship with God.

Turn to God when circumstances or people are testing your character, your integrity, and your morals. Ask Him to clear your name. But also don’t be afraid to ask for a cross examination as you go through life. The more you empty yourself of you, the more space you open up for God to fill you with truth, love and grace.

Love from Rooted,

Heather & Lisa

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