Time to Celebrate

When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall he pulled the Israelites together and he and Ezra read the Book of Moses to them. There was crying and sadness as the people looked back and reflected on how God had rescued their ancestors. But Nehemiah encouraged the Israelites to have joy and celebrate.

As a way to celebrate and honor God, the people built shelters of twigs and lived in them during the celebration.  The Festival of Shelters became a time for the people to look back and praise God with joy and a glad heart for rescuing them.

Over the last six weeks Lisa and I have both been in a season of being still.  On Sunday as our pastor was preaching it dawned on me that I too have been inside my own shelter.  Through this period of stillness I have spent a lot of time reflecting on all the various events that have shaped my life.  Going back even to elementary school and events that happened to me as a young child, I can look back and see the hand of God on each and every single one.  In the past I would often think back to these events in my life and weep with such sorrow for all of my failures. But, God!

“Don’t be dejected and sad, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:11.  I never want to forget where I came from and from the many, many times the hand of God has rescued me. I can see that His hand was on me the entire time! He was always there. I just didn’t see Him. But it isn’t sadness that fills my heart anymore during these times of reflection.  Joy fills my heart because I know that I serve a mighty God and that His hand guides every path that I walk down. He loves me! In His word He promises to never leave me! #promises

I thank God for bringing me right to this very moment.  This very moment of just being still and learning to really listen to God’s voice. This moment of true celebration and happiness in my shelter of twigs as I look back with a joyful heart. Not a heart of guilt or remorse.

And so I am okay not knowing what comes next. I know years from now I will look back on this exact moment and see God’s hand on me just like I have been able to see over the last 46 years.  The verse I keep on my desk and various other places reminds me of the truth that I stand upon.  It is my foundation.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

It’s time to celebrate ladies!

Love Heather & Lisa