Rooted in the Lord Completely

King Solomon from 1Kings is the source of this attached quote today. He was the wisest man to ever live but still was NOT completely faithful to the Lord our God. He was not completely rooted in the Lord.

He did what he wanted to do when marrying many many women from many other countries and this was evil in the Lord’s sight. Solomon REFUSED to follow the Lord completely, he thought he knew best.  Therefore, he became a slave to his wives, their gods, and their religions. He was not faithful to our God and in turn was not free.

Whatever you are going through today be it at work or in your home this post is for you. You know … where you think you know what’s best and think you have the wisdom and understanding of the situation or problem to fix it…we’ll STOP.  God has put it on my heart to tell us to STOP and turn to Him. Be still, get in prayer, and wait on the Lord.

You all – His ways are hard  to implement sometimes!  I totally get it and struggle often if I am going to be honest. But…they are the BEST way so we need to get in our Bible and learn and then follow faithfully. If you do not spend time with God, you will do what YOU think is best. Solomon lost much due to his selfish ways. 

Take away:

Follow Him and His ways! Don’t be a refuser!! Choose to follow the Lord our God completely, choose to love, choose Jesus, and you will be set free. 🤍

It is good to know even the wisest man was a work in progress, some days are better than others so stay strong and rooted ladies. We Love You!

Lisa & Heather

#follow #Godsways #completely