Talk with Him, Walk with Him

If you are reading this, you have a unique ability to do something great for God! Yes, you!!

I love reading about Nehemiah and his ability to lead people. He had a vision and a plan to achieve it. He’s my kind of person! But he didn’t forget God in the process and that’s what I love about him the most.

Be a person who TALKS to God. Tell Him your fears and even how you feel. Tell Him your vision and ask Him for wisdom and guidance. Share everything! He’s your Father. ❤️

Then, WALK with God. Read His word and apply it to your life. As you read, ask yourself: what should I do with what I’m learning? How should MY life change (not those around you!)?

Be like Nehemiah today. TALK and WALK with God.  #wwrf #talkandwalk

Love Heather & Lisa