Callous to Sin

In 2 Samuel David is King, a man after God’s own heart, and is dealing with many struggles. The struggles are in his personal life but struggles in our personal life will reflect into our professional life. What we do at home will reflect what we do at work.

David is tempted by a beautiful woman named Bathsheba. He sees her bathing from his rooftop and calls for her. He then sleeps with her and she becomes pregnant.

He was tempted and he acted on his temptation to be with this married woman while her husband was at war for his King.

Then his struggle of sin continues as he develops a web of lies. He brings home Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, from war and tells him to go home and be with his wife; this was his cover up plan for his sin.  However, Uriah refuses to go home to his wife out of honor for his men still in battle.  He sleeps at the King’s castle door and his strong character is shown to David.

Unfortunately, David arranges for Uriah’s death to cover his sin. Another layer of lies are entangled from the command of David. He orders one of his leaders to put Uriah on the frontlines of battle so he will be killed. This was the perfect cover up for David.

After Uriah’s murder, David allows Bethsheba to mourn for her husband and then marries her. They have the baby but it dies in fulfillment of God’s punishment for their adultery.

Phew…this story of King David can open our eyes. We all know that temptation that leads to sin still exists today.  The eye opening part Is that David had become callous to his own sin.

The only way David could cover up his first sin of adultery was to sin again and again – soon he no longer felt anything while he was sinning, he forgot he was sinning.

When we deliberately sin over and over again we can become insensitive to God’s ways and others rights.

My take away from this story is…the more we try to cover up sin the more insensitive we become to it.

We should be so thankful to have this story of David’s struggle of sin for us all to learn from.

If you know you have sinned, don’t become hardened to it as David did. Go to God, repent, stop doing it, and ask for forgiveness from Him and the person you are sinning against.

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16

We can’t keep going through life with sinful actions that continue to build a web of lies – it will just lead to more lies and you will forget you are sinning.

Refuse to become callous to your own sin.

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather