Be patient with EVERYONE…

Paul give us much advice in

1 Thessalonians 5 about encouragement and how we can encourage others as Christians. Patience is an example of us being an encouragement to others.

I was not a patient person before I met Jesus. My attitude was demanding and there was a lot of huffing and puffing as I got annoyed with people easily. It was because I had a hard heart, lacked love and this gave me no patience.

Thank goodness for Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and transformation. For me now, I wake up thankful for each day and ask God to fill me up with His power and love. I pray for patience. My huffing and puffing is pretty much a thing of the past (I do slip sometimes, but it is so much better 🙃)

With Jesus in my life, I am now more sensitive when a situation at work comes up and someone needs help – again 😊. I listen better with my whole heart and ask God to keep me calm and to love this person – to actually become love!! When things don’t go my way, I try my best to think patience! To be patient with everyone!! 🙌🏻

Practical advice…Think of a situation that tries your patience, and plan ahead of time to stay patient. Be the encouragement Paul teaches us to be!

Take it to God… I encourage you to ask God for patience in prayer, it is a beautiful part of transformation. This behavior and mind change will change your life forever and help you grow in your faith. Ask Him for patience and believe He will provide it!!

Stay Rooted,

Be patient with EVERYONE…Lisa ❤️